
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Street

For quite some time I had heard about a street in Baltimore that really did Christmas decorations Griswold Style. 

After yeas of saying that I was going to visit, the Traveling Tots finaly did it.  One of the local residents sponsors a website if you want information on how to get there.

I had every intention of submitting this before X-mas, but as you can imagine the season caught up with us.

The one hour drive from our home was worth it for a few reasons.  The 1st being the sincerity of it all.  I have grown tired of hearing politicians use the term "The Real America".  34th street in Baltimore couldn't be anymore American if they cloned George Washington and had him play Santa at the Christmas Party.  The tiny block gets together every year and with there own money sponsor a Baltimore tradition that has created 62 years of cherrished memories. In a city that has seen its share of urban decay and hardships 34th street showcases something that Baltimore never lost during the drug epidemics or being robbed of a storied NFL franchise, and something never seen on an Episode of The Wire.  A true sense community.  You don't travel to other cities in this country and see people adorned in Ravens or Orioles gear. That is  b/c the people of Baltimore stayed close to home through the hard times and for as much as I like to tease my friends from Charm City that fact is worth celebrating.

Unfortunately our timing was off and we arrived right after our 3 y.o. had awoken from his nap.  And one wisp of the frosty December air hurled the poor thing into a temper tantrum that holed him up in our Honda Element for the duration of the short trip.

Having driven so far to see something I had wanted to see I refused to leave without checking it out for at least a few minutes, and a few minutes is all one needs.  Visitors are encouraged to walk about the street and even walk up some to some of the front porches.  The street takes maybe 20 minutes to tour, and my son enjoyed it when we drove by the lights a couple of times.

If you are going to make the drive from out of town then I suggest mixing it with other attraction such as The Inner Harbor, or Baltimore Zoo.

I know Christmas is over but plant the seed in your mind to do something a little different next year and check out Christmas Street in Baltimore.

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